Maybe you play guitar, collect guitars, or just appreciate the melodic music guitars make. Whatever it is about guitars, you love them. But, have you ever thought about building one? We all know a guitar is more than just six strings attached to a hunk of wood, but it does pique a bit of curiosity to see just how difficult it would be to build.
Rob Scallon’s curiosity got the best of him and he decided to construct his own custom guitar. And to add to the difficulty, he’s only giving himself ten hours to do it, because, well, it’s Rob Scallon.
Rob knows a lot about guitars but nothing about woodworking, and his friend he recruited knows nothing about guitars and a lot about woodworking — so, they’re hoping their combined knowledge is all they need to build a functional guitar.
And even though they’re experienced in their craft, they still come across issues like drilling too large of a hole for the tuning pegs, the frets not placed properly, and flimsy electronics.
Even though they manage to construct a working guitar within the ten-hour time limit, Rob gives the specs of the guitar and calls it the most “anxiety-inducing” and “least comfortable and least enjoyable” guitar he’s ever played. There are lots of sharp edges and frets that are dangerous to go near and due to the size of the neck and headstock, the guitar is constantly out of tune (even with alternative tuning). However, Rob and his friend are extremely proud of what they built in such a short time. It might not be a new guitar that music stores are clamoring to get stock of but it’s a fun project that they saw to the end. And the guitar is functional and playable, even if it leads to a few splinters and a couple of poked-out eyes
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